Electronics – Expert Network Consultant https://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com Networking | Cloud | DevOps | IaC Thu, 22 Dec 2022 10:02:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.3 Process Real-Time IoT Data Streams with Azure Stream Analytics https://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com/installing-and-configuring-network-devices/process-real-time-iot-data-streams-with-azure-stream-analytics/ Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:17 +0000 http://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com/?p=5805 Continue readingProcess Real-Time IoT Data Streams with Azure Stream Analytics]]> In my previous article, I explained how to connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub

In this article of Ingesting and Processing Streaming and IoT Data for Real-Time Analytics, we are going to explore how to get your IoT events captured in a data stream into a database of your choosing. Processing real-time IoT data streams with Azure Stream Analytics is a thing of beauty.

Softclap Technologies, which is a company in the vehicle tracking and automation space, has completely automated its vehicle tracking processes. Their vehicles are equipped with sensors that are capable of emitting streams of data in real time. In this scenario, a Data Analyst Engineer wants to have real-time insights from the sensor data to look for patterns and take actions on them. You can use Stream Analytics Query Language (SAQL) over the sensor data to find interesting patterns from the incoming stream of data.

Let us look at the pre-requisites;

  • Azure IoT Hub
  • Enrolled IoT Device
  • You can find that setup in a recent post connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub.

    With the above requirements in place, go ahead to follow the remainder steps to get Azure Stream Analytics to stream your IoT events to your choice Database.

    What we are building today;

  • Azure Stream Analytics
  • Azure SQL Database Server with a Database
  • Step 1: Create Stream Analytics
    create azure stream analytics

    Step 2: Create SQL Database Server
    create sql database server

    Step 3: Configure Networking to Allow Azure services and resources to access this SQL Database Server
    Allow Azure services and resources to access this server

    Step 4: Create a SQL database
    create a sql database

    Step 5: Create Firewall Rules – this helps you access the Database

    add firewall rules

    set server firewall for sql database

    Step 6: Create Azure Stream Analytics to allow you to perform near real-time analytics on streaming data. Create a job right from your database.
    create stream analytics job

    Step 7: Select IoT Hub as Input
    Stream Analytics jobs enable you Ingest streaming data into your SQL table. Set your input and output, then author your query to transform your data.

    create stream analytics input from iot hub

    create stream analytics input from iot hub device

    You can create a new consumer group but in this setup, I have had to use the existing consumer group $Default.

    IoT Hubs limit the number of readers within one consumer group (to 5). We recommend using a separate group for each job. Leaving this field empty will use the ‘$Default’ consumer group.

    select the existing default consumer group for the stream analytics output

    Step 8: Select Output
    Since you are streaming the telemetry data to your database, select the credentials used for the output table where you can query your data from later on.

    create stream analytics output to database table

    The new table will automatically be created in your database after you initially start your Stream Analytics job

    Now you have completed the configuration for Input and Output from the IoT Hub Telemetry to the Database Table.

    complete stream analytics job with input and output

    Step 9: Telemetry Stream Shows Sample Events from the IoT Device
    sample events from mxchip-device-iot-hub

    Step 10: Click Test Query

    test query for iot events in stream analytics

    Since the objective is really to record the events in our database table, there is a need to create a table matching the schema of your test query results.

    PS: Using the click to create table has not worked well for me in the past. The fields were completely out of sync. I will therefore select view create table SQL script and then connect to the database locally or from Azure Query Editor to create the tables. Let’s dive in.

    create table to capture the events streamed into azure stream analytics

    Step 11: Open SQL Database Query Editor

    create table to capture the events using query editor

    Now that this step has completed successfully, head back to Stream Analytics and click on Start Stream Analytics Job. Starting the stream analytics job ensured that the input iot device telemetry is captured in the database predefined table which can be queried later on.start stream analytics job

    Authenticate to Database SQL Server where Output Table is stored.
    start stream analytics job to database

    Step 12: Click Start to begin writing stream data into Database table.
    streaming job running successfully

    Back to the Query Editor and below are the results.

    query database table for streamed events from iot

    And so there we have it, a successful stream of IoT events from a remote IoT device sending live telemetry ingested in our stream analytics and captured in our database table.

    Click here to learn more about other ways of ingesting data in Azure Stream Analytics.

    Connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub https://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com/network-technology-news/connect-an-iot-device-to-azure-iot-hub/ Mon, 05 Dec 2022 10:00:25 +0000 http://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com/?p=5707 Continue readingConnect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub]]> Connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub Internet of Things are everywhere these days, in this article, I detail how to connect an MXCHIP AZ3166 devkit to IoT Hub.

    IoT a matter of fact has become a common place in all spheres of human interaction. They are in our refrigerators, cars, gardens, submarines, space probes and robots, they are just everywhere and for a good reason mainly. Before we get super excited and you must be, let us start with the recommended requisites.

    Clone Repository for Needed Code | This has been provided by Microsoft

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/azure-rtos/getting-started.git

    Prepare Your Build Environment

    To install the tools:

    From File Explorer, navigate to the following path in the repo and run the setup script named get-toolchain.bat:


    After the installation, open a new console window to recognize the configuration changes made by the setup script. Use this console to complete the remaining programming tasks in the quickstart. You can use Windows CMD, PowerShell, or Git Bash for Windows.

    Run the following code to confirm that CMake version 3.14 or later is installed.

    cmake --version

    Now that your build environment seem to be correctly setup, go through the next steps to get your local environment setup.

    Install Azure IoT Explorer on Your Computer
    This part requires a utility called the Azure IoT Explorer which must be installed on your computer. In this demonstration, I have installed the Windows version of the program on my operating system.

    Create Azure IoT Hub
    This part requires the creation of Azure IoT Hub which could be done using the CLI or Web UI. I will do this using the Web UI but provide the commands for the same in CLI. Follow along;

    Connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub

    Successfully Created Azure IoT Hub
    Connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub

    Add Device to Azure IoT Hub

    create azure iot device

    add iot device to azure iot hub

    Get Connection String

    $ az iot hub connection-string  show --hub-name mxchip-device-iot-hub.azure-devices.net

    Copy the connection string without the surrounding quotation characters.

      "connectionString": "HostName=mxchip-device-iot-hub.azure-devices.net;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=UPEgplrCL+zQyabcdefgHiJkWqEXc2vOqulTAQ1k="
    [ ~ ]$ 

    Add Hubs on IoT Explorer using the connection string
    add connection string on azure iot explorer
    Before continuing to the next section, confirm that you’ve copied the following values:


    I made a note of the following elements;

    HostName: mxchip-device-iot-hub.azure-devices.net
    Device ID : mxchipaz366
    Primary Key : KUTkSnC6Sn0vVieeabcdefghijkllU9ko0XCOwKy4= 

    view devices in the hub

    check devices on iot explorer under connection

    Configure Connection on Local Repo
    Open the following file in a text editor:


    Comment out the following line near the top of the file as shown:

    // #define ENABLE_DPS

    Set the Wi-Fi constants to the following values from your local environment.

    WIFI_SSID	{Your Wi-Fi SSID}
    WIFI_PASSWORD	{Your Wi-Fi password}
    WIFI_MODE	{One of the enumerated Wi-Fi mode values in the file}

    configure build values for wireless connectivity

    Set the Azure IoT device information constants to the values that you saved after you created Azure resources.

    IOT_HUB_HOSTNAME	{Your Iot hub hostName value}
    IOT_DPS_REGISTRATION_ID	{Your Device ID value}
    IOT_DEVICE_SAS_KEY	{Your Primary key value}

    configure build values

    Build the image
    In your console or in File Explorer, run the script rebuild.bat at the following path to build the image:


    run rebuild batch file

    iot device flash image

    After the build completes, confirm that the binary file was created in the following path:


    create iot device mxchip image

    Copy the binary file mxchip_azure_iot.bin to iot dev kit

    Follow the steps here.

    Launch Termite and check connectivity
    My device is on COM5. You can check for that in Command Prompt by typing mode.

    configure serial port settings on termite

    Successful Connection to Azure IoT Hub
    successful connection of iot to azure iot hub

    Check Telemetry on Azure IoT Explorer
    check telemetry for iot device

    Check Telemetry on Termite
    check telemetry for iot device on termite

    Simulate Device Telemetry

    Simply copy paste the following command to Azure Cloud Shell. It will start simulating device as it’s sending messages to IoT Hub. You can click ‘Start’ button from the Telemetry page to start monitoring the events.

    az iot device simulate --device-id mxchipdevkitaz3166 --login "HostName=**cloudmxchipiot-01.azure-devices.net;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=slKRd09jokVHPXNjDabcdeEfgHizDhmq8="

    View Telemetry Received from IoT Device

    az iot hub monitor-events --output table --device-id mxchipaz366 --hub-name mxchip-device-iot-hub
    Starting event monitor, filtering on device: mxchipaz366, use ctrl-c to stop...
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        magnetometerX: -445.5
        magnetometerY: 531
        magnetometerZ: 496.5
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        accelerometerX: -377.04
        accelerometerY: -917.31
        accelerometerZ: -130.66
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        gyroscopeX: -770
        gyroscopeY: -420
        gyroscopeZ: 770
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        humidity: 60.61
        pressure: 1014.05
        temperature: 19.88
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        magnetometerX: -408
        magnetometerY: 504
        magnetometerZ: 495
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        accelerometerX: -380.33
        accelerometerY: -915.85
        accelerometerZ: -129.93
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        gyroscopeX: -1190
        gyroscopeY: 630
        gyroscopeZ: 2800
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        humidity: 60.2
        pressure: 1014.04
        temperature: 20.2
      component: ''
      interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
      module: ''
      origin: mxchipaz366
        magnetometerX: -417
        magnetometerY: 531
        magnetometerZ: 486

    Communicate with your IoT Device
    Run the az iot hub invoke-device-method command, and specify the method name and payload. For this method, setting method-payload to true turns on the LED, and setting it to false turns it off.

    az iot hub invoke-device-method --device-id mxchipaz366 --method-name setLedState --method-payload true --hub-name mxchip-device-iot-hub
    az iot hub invoke-device-method --device-id mxchipaz366 --method-name setLedState --method-payload true --hub-name mxchip-device-iot-hub
      "payload": {},
      "status": 200

    There are advanced aspects to provisioning IoT devices and the following guide helps you do just that.
    Create a new IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service

    When you encounter this error;

    "ERROR: azure_iot_nx_client_dps_entry"

    then it is likely you did not comment out #define ENABLE_DPS.

    Using Python and pyFirmata to Control Arduino Boards on Ubuntu https://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com/python-programming-foundations-for-the-network-engineer/using-python-and-pyfirmata-to-control-arduino-boards-on-ubuntu/ Sat, 10 Oct 2020 05:00:18 +0000 http://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com/?p=4156 Continue readingUsing Python and pyFirmata to Control Arduino Boards on Ubuntu]]> Why am I Using Python and pyFirmata to Control Arduino Boards on Ubuntu?

    So here is the deal, I had a great affinity for Arduino until I fell in love with Python. My life has never been the same again. Aaahhh, do I need to ditch my Ardunio control boards to use a Raspberry Pi instead? How about all the interesting projects I made back then in Arduino? Could I not learn to code them in Python and just use my Python scripts to control them?

    Things you’ll need;

    • Personal Computer Linux | MAC | Windows with Arduino IDE.
    • Arduino Board (I have used the Elegoo Uno Version here)
    • USB cable for Arduino.
    • Breadboard
    • Jumper Wires
    • LED Light
    • Resistor

    Step 1: Upload Standard Firmata on your Arduino board (Firmata is a serial communication protocol that can control the Arduino’s GPIO)
    Files > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata (You will only need to upload this once).
    Using Python and pyFirmata  to Control Arduino Boards on Ubuntu - Install Standard Firmata on Arduino

    What is Firmata

    Firmata is an intermediate protocol that connects an embedded system to a host computer, and the protocol channel uses a serial port by default. The Arduino platform is the standard reference implementation for Firmata. The Arduino IDE comes with the support for Firmata.

    This could work perfectly with Odyssey-X86 with its onboard Arduino Core meaning that you can control the Arduino Core simply using Firmata protocol with different programming languages too!

    The Firmata library implements the Firmata protocol for communicating with software on the host computer. This allows you to write custom firmware without having to create your own protocol and objects for the programming environment that you are using.

    To use this library
    #include <Firmata.h>

    Step 2:
    Install PyFirmata on Ubuntu

    pip3 install pyfirmata

    Using Python and pyFirmata  to Control Arduino Boards on Ubuntu - pip3 install pyfirmata

    Step 3:

    Build your circuit. Roll your sleeves and get your jumper wires, resistor and LED together in a very simple circuit like the one below;

    Blinking LED Circuit

    Schematic: How to wire up your circuit
    simple led blink ardunio circuit

    Step 4: Write Your Python Blink LED Program

    from pyfirmata import Arduino
    import time
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        board = Arduino('/dev/ttyACM1')
        print("Communication Successfully Initiated ")

    Arduino Uno on DEV TTY ACM1

        while True:

    Full Code: Blink LED Python Program
    blink led python code

    from pyfirmata import Arduino, util
    import time

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    board = Arduino('/dev/ttyACM1')
    print("Communication Successfully Initiated")

    while True:

    Step 5 Hit Run and see it in action
    Blinking LED Circuit in action

    Your USB connection to your Arduino board is disconnected if you see this sudden error;

    raise SerialException('write failed: {}'.format(e))
    serial.serialutil.SerialException: write failed: [Errno 5] Input/output error

    Here you are, a step by step guide to get Python to control your GPIOs on Arduino. Hope this little project helps you on your journey to great electronics?

    See more python projects like this fading led light project.
