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Connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub

Connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub Internet of Things are everywhere these days, in this article, I detail how to connect an MXCHIP AZ3166 devkit to IoT Hub.

IoT a matter of fact has become a common place in all spheres of human interaction. They are in our refrigerators, cars, gardens, submarines, space probes and robots, they are just everywhere and for a good reason mainly. Before we get super excited and you must be, let us start with the recommended requisites.

Clone Repository for Needed Code | This has been provided by Microsoft

git clone --recursive

Prepare Your Build Environment

To install the tools:

From File Explorer, navigate to the following path in the repo and run the setup script named get-toolchain.bat:


After the installation, open a new console window to recognize the configuration changes made by the setup script. Use this console to complete the remaining programming tasks in the quickstart. You can use Windows CMD, PowerShell, or Git Bash for Windows.

Run the following code to confirm that CMake version 3.14 or later is installed.

cmake --version

Now that your build environment seem to be correctly setup, go through the next steps to get your local environment setup.

Install Azure IoT Explorer on Your Computer
This part requires a utility called the Azure IoT Explorer which must be installed on your computer. In this demonstration, I have installed the Windows version of the program on my operating system.

Create Azure IoT Hub
This part requires the creation of Azure IoT Hub which could be done using the CLI or Web UI. I will do this using the Web UI but provide the commands for the same in CLI. Follow along;

Connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub

Successfully Created Azure IoT Hub
Connect an IoT Device to Azure IoT Hub

Add Device to Azure IoT Hub

create azure iot device

add iot device to azure iot hub

Get Connection String

$ az iot hub connection-string  show --hub-name

Copy the connection string without the surrounding quotation characters.

  "connectionString": ";SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=UPEgplrCL+zQyabcdefgHiJkWqEXc2vOqulTAQ1k="
[ ~ ]$ 

Add Hubs on IoT Explorer using the connection string
add connection string on azure iot explorer
Before continuing to the next section, confirm that you’ve copied the following values:


I made a note of the following elements;

Device ID : mxchipaz366
Primary Key : KUTkSnC6Sn0vVieeabcdefghijkllU9ko0XCOwKy4= 

view devices in the hub

check devices on iot explorer under connection

Configure Connection on Local Repo
Open the following file in a text editor:


Comment out the following line near the top of the file as shown:

// #define ENABLE_DPS

Set the Wi-Fi constants to the following values from your local environment.

WIFI_PASSWORD	{Your Wi-Fi password}
WIFI_MODE	{One of the enumerated Wi-Fi mode values in the file}

configure build values for wireless connectivity

Set the Azure IoT device information constants to the values that you saved after you created Azure resources.

IOT_HUB_HOSTNAME	{Your Iot hub hostName value}
IOT_DEVICE_SAS_KEY	{Your Primary key value}

configure build values

Build the image
In your console or in File Explorer, run the script rebuild.bat at the following path to build the image:


run rebuild batch file

iot device flash image

After the build completes, confirm that the binary file was created in the following path:


create iot device mxchip image

Copy the binary file mxchip_azure_iot.bin to iot dev kit

Follow the steps here.

Launch Termite and check connectivity
My device is on COM5. You can check for that in Command Prompt by typing mode.

configure serial port settings on termite

Successful Connection to Azure IoT Hub
successful connection of iot to azure iot hub

Check Telemetry on Azure IoT Explorer
check telemetry for iot device

Check Telemetry on Termite
check telemetry for iot device on termite

Simulate Device Telemetry

Simply copy paste the following command to Azure Cloud Shell. It will start simulating device as it’s sending messages to IoT Hub. You can click ‘Start’ button from the Telemetry page to start monitoring the events.

az iot device simulate --device-id mxchipdevkitaz3166 --login "HostName=**;SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=slKRd09jokVHPXNjDabcdeEfgHizDhmq8="

View Telemetry Received from IoT Device

az iot hub monitor-events --output table --device-id mxchipaz366 --hub-name mxchip-device-iot-hub
Starting event monitor, filtering on device: mxchipaz366, use ctrl-c to stop...
  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    magnetometerX: -445.5
    magnetometerY: 531
    magnetometerZ: 496.5

  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    accelerometerX: -377.04
    accelerometerY: -917.31
    accelerometerZ: -130.66

  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    gyroscopeX: -770
    gyroscopeY: -420
    gyroscopeZ: 770

  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    humidity: 60.61
    pressure: 1014.05
    temperature: 19.88

  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    magnetometerX: -408
    magnetometerY: 504
    magnetometerZ: 495

  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    accelerometerX: -380.33
    accelerometerY: -915.85
    accelerometerZ: -129.93

  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    gyroscopeX: -1190
    gyroscopeY: 630
    gyroscopeZ: 2800

  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    humidity: 60.2
    pressure: 1014.04
    temperature: 20.2

  component: ''
  interface: dtmi:azurertos:devkit:gsgmxchip;2
  module: ''
  origin: mxchipaz366
    magnetometerX: -417
    magnetometerY: 531
    magnetometerZ: 486

Communicate with your IoT Device
Run the az iot hub invoke-device-method command, and specify the method name and payload. For this method, setting method-payload to true turns on the LED, and setting it to false turns it off.

az iot hub invoke-device-method --device-id mxchipaz366 --method-name setLedState --method-payload true --hub-name mxchip-device-iot-hub
az iot hub invoke-device-method --device-id mxchipaz366 --method-name setLedState --method-payload true --hub-name mxchip-device-iot-hub
  "payload": {},
  "status": 200

There are advanced aspects to provisioning IoT devices and the following guide helps you do just that.
Create a new IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service

When you encounter this error;

"ERROR: azure_iot_nx_client_dps_entry"

then it is likely you did not comment out #define ENABLE_DPS.